Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beautiful Local Beach

Normally, I think Vancouver beaches are nothing compared to more exotic and tropical countries. But last week I was in West Vancouver and was super impressed with the view at Ambleside. For a moment I didn't even remember where I was. It was a hot sunny day and the beach just took my breath away....


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Celebrating Hong Kong

We went to Aberdeen Center last week and they had the coolest displays celebrating Hong Kong.

Using miniatures, actual antiques, and Lego models to capture all the awesomeness, it doesn't get better than that!

The Lego Hong Kong skyline was developed by the only certified Lego architect in Canada.

And the miniatures representing the food and dining culture in Hong Kong just look so realistic!

I can just picture what life was like back in the old days with the rooms they had set up on display.

It's a great tribute to the culture of Hong Kong. I'm not sure how long it will be up there for, but definitely worth going to see!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cute Super Heroes

America's taking a hint from Asian marketing and making their super heroes OH SO CUTE! This is at the gift shop in Six Flags in LA. Justice League!


Superman and Wonderwoman and Green Lantern! Doesn't get any better than that. They all look so anime-like!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Richmond Night Market

This year a new night market has opened up. By the original owner of the "Richmond Night Market," right by the Riverrock Casino in Richmond!

And the best part is that the old night market is still there too! The "Summer Night Market" near the Ikea in Richmond.

I'm not sure if Vancouver is big enough to sustain two big night markets but it's sure good news for the locals. Especially since we have the biggest night markets in North America. I really hope they both co-exist in the long run.

Summer Night Market versus Richmond Night Market

The Summer Night Market by Ikea still has the same layout as previous years. And it's still $5 for parking unless you park further or find street parking but there is no admission fee. And since the new Richmond Night Market has opened up, the old one is not drawing the same large crowds. But there is still a good variety of food and goods to buy.

The Richmond Night Market by Riverrock seems to have a new set of food vendors that I haven't seen at the previous night market. It's also slightly bigger and parking is free and there is plenty of it!

There is however, an admission fee. When I first went it was $1, but a few weeks later it went up to $1.50. I'm not sure if it will keep going up. But the price is reasonable for now and the layout is really clean and spacious.

Overall, the Richmond Night Market has some new improvements and is a refreshing change from the old one. But I also like going back to the old Summer Night Market because they are both a different experience.

- Misty

Monday, July 2, 2012

Red Velvet Pancakes

Wow, IHOP now carries Red Velvet pancakes! I love red velvet <3

There are issues surrounding the amount of red food dye used in red velvet ><

because you do need a lot to achieve the delicious red color.

But there are other ways around it such as beet juice or unprocessed cocoa powder which undergoes oxidation to get the characteristic red color.

I don't know what they put in the IHOP ones, most likely red dye. -_-


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Biggest Asparagus

Check out the biggest asparagus I've ever seen.

at the Granville Island.

If I ate all that, my pee would be bright yellow for a month!


Thursday, March 22, 2012